Working on a garden requires turning the earth upside down and disrupting an entire mini ecosystem that you have trouble putting back in place. A degraded soil is a soil where the biological activity no longer exists, one can notice the absence of insects, soil glasses, vegetable plants or mushrooms. It is an infertile soil that needs to be revitalized in a very short period of time. But how do you bring back to life a completely turned over soil?
Take stock of the situation and start cleaning up a disrupted garden
Before bringing a garden back to life, it is important to make an inventory of fixtures, i.e. to see the extent of the damage, particularly to the soil in your garden. Thus, thanks to your sense of smell, you can sense whether the soil smells of humus or not, a soil without any smell of humus is dying. The lack of humus is often due to the lack of oxygen in the soil. Next, it is important to start cleaning the garden, starting by removing all the materials used during the work, plastic bags, water bottles or other waste left by the workers for example. It is also important to remove any soil that has been turned over or piled up in an area because it may contain contaminants or chemical or other components used in the construction process.
Practical Tips for Reviving Soil in a Disrupted Garden
The first advice to follow is not to turn the soil with a spade or other gardening tool, if you turn the soil, it will risk upsetting the balance between the different layers of soil in your garden. You should also avoid using chemical pesticides or fertilizers that will accelerate soil degradation. To make it easier to replenish damaged soil, you will need to use a countdown that is different from ploughing to avoid turning the soil over. Next, it is advisable to bring in large quantities of organic matter, which is most often compost. This compost can be created from household waste. Using the natural composting technique allows the soil to be aerated and allows micro-organisms such as bacteria, earthworms and insects to return.
The important role of organic fertilizers in restoring life to a disrupted garden
Green or organic fertilizers play a central role in re-fertilizing a disturbed soil, especially in a vegetable garden or garden. These fertilizers will allow you to aerate the soil in depth, also bring useful gases such as nitrogen, compounds such as potassium as well. A wide range of fertilizers is thus possible but depending on its use a green manure has many useful properties for a soil in poor condition. Moreover, the most widespread ferns are easy to find, resistant and very useful to fertilize very degraded soils. As for barley, it is ideal for very calcareous soils. In short, a garden's disrupted soil can become fertile again if these few tips are followed. In extreme cases, the advice of a garden expert is necessary.